AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-03-04Added PlantUML file type plugin for vim.InigoGutierrez
2020-01-11Vim ftplugin updates.InigoGutierrez
2020-01-11Added macros to ranger to unpack rars and tars.InigoGutierrez
2019-12-28Created vim ftplugin for C++.InigoGutierrez
2019-12-28Removed c++ maps from .vimrc.InigoGutierrez
2019-12-28startx output back to a log file instead of screen.InigoGutierrez
2019-12-28New default env vars and change to gmail mail def location.InigoGutierrez
2019-12-17setup.sh doesn't copy .profile if it exists.InigoGutierrez
2019-12-17Wrong path to call image script in zathurarc.InigoGutierrez
2019-12-17.bash_vars only updated if doesn't exist and gnome and xfce4 xinits not copied.InigoGutierrez
2019-12-16Figured out colors in vim.InigoGutierrez
2019-12-16Bash input mode cursor shape.InigoGutierrez
2019-12-16Minor change to urgent workspace border.InigoGutierrez
2019-12-12Changed colors to custom selection.InigoGutierrez
2019-12-12Merge branch 'master' of github.com:InigoGutierrez/configsInigoGutierrez
2019-12-12Vim: Added limelight plugin and removed nondefined YCM function from python f...InigoGutierrez
2019-12-12Changed cyan tones from .Xresources.InigoGutierrez
2019-12-12Removed specific new window in ranger tmux mappings since it seems to fail wi...InigoGutierrez
2019-12-12Removed label from i3blocks mail module.InigoGutierrez
2019-12-09Added unzip to list of packages.InigoGutierrez
2019-12-05Wrong vim's plugins paths.InigoGutierrez
2019-12-04Calenteme con map <buffer>.InigoGutierrez
2019-12-04Discovered setlocal and map <buffer>.InigoGutierrez
2019-12-04Merge branch 'master' of github.com:InigoGutierrez/configsInigoGutierrez
2019-12-04Added calcurse module to i3blocks and reorganized vim files.InigoGutierrez
2019-12-03Added vim plugin for .sent files.InigoGutierrez
2019-12-03Fixed repeated ftplugin folder.InigoGutierrez
2019-12-03packages.txt: tex, wtf.InigoGutierrez
2019-12-02Removed strange startx logs.InigoGutierrez
2019-12-02simple-mtpfs is not in main Arch repos.InigoGutierrez
2019-12-02Added packages list.InigoGutierrez
2019-12-02Finished setup.shInigoGutierrez
2019-12-02Created setup script.InigoGutierrez
2019-12-02Mon 02 Dec 2019 10:40:10 AM CETInigoGutierrez
2019-12-02Discovered a sad truth about vim's handling of keyboard input.InigoGutierrez
2019-11-19Tue 19 Nov 2019 09:38:20 PM CETInigoGutierrez
2019-11-19Compton is now picom.InigoGutierrez
2019-11-19Created vim folder for .vimrc and plugins.InigoGutierrez
2019-10-29Minor changes.InigoGutierrez
2019-10-29.Xresources config for compton added.InigoGutierrez
2019-10-29Added config for instant-markdown and removed remaps from .vimrc.InigoGutierrez
2019-10-29Removed default .xinitrc and added files for specific X environments.InigoGutierrez
2019-10-22Added compton config.InigoGutierrez
2019-10-21More bash organization and creation of .bash_vars file.InigoGutierrez
2019-10-21Some .vimrc changes configuring omnisharp.InigoGutierrez
2019-10-21Created mpv.conf. Now violet OSD!InigoGutierrez
2019-10-21Organized .profile, .bashrc and .bash_aliases.InigoGutierrez
2019-10-21Now I know what .inputrc does!InigoGutierrez
2019-10-17Removed unused plugins and function.InigoGutierrez
2019-10-17Added GREP_COLORS env variable definiton to .bashrc.InigoGutierrez