path: root/files/vim
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2020-03-04Added tab settings to vim's asciidoc file type plugin.InigoGutierrez
2020-03-04Organized filetypes settings in .vimrc.InigoGutierrez
2020-03-04Created LaTeX template snippet for vim.InigoGutierrez
2020-03-04Added PlantUML file type plugin for vim.InigoGutierrez
2020-01-11Vim ftplugin updates.InigoGutierrez
2019-12-28Created vim ftplugin for C++.InigoGutierrez
2019-12-28Removed c++ maps from .vimrc.InigoGutierrez
2019-12-16Figured out colors in vim.InigoGutierrez
2019-12-12Vim: Added limelight plugin and removed nondefined YCM function from python ↵InigoGutierrez
2019-12-04Calenteme con map <buffer>.InigoGutierrez
2019-12-04Discovered setlocal and map <buffer>.InigoGutierrez
2019-12-04Merge branch 'master' of github.com:InigoGutierrez/configsInigoGutierrez
2019-12-04Added calcurse module to i3blocks and reorganized vim files.InigoGutierrez
2019-12-03Added vim plugin for .sent files.InigoGutierrez
2019-12-03Fixed repeated ftplugin folder.InigoGutierrez
2019-12-02Discovered a sad truth about vim's handling of keyboard input.InigoGutierrez
2019-11-19Created vim folder for .vimrc and plugins.InigoGutierrez