path: root/stow
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2022-10-08Added rofi config.InigoGutierrez
2022-10-08Added .mailcap file.InigoGutierrez
2022-10-06tmux: don't allow repetition of pane selection.InigoGutierrez
2022-10-06Clipboard with tmux and more window creation options.InigoGutierrez
2022-10-06Moved non-standard rcs to custom folder.InigoGutierrez
2022-10-05Deleted unused picom configs and set fade for closing windows.InigoGutierrez
2022-10-05More fadeout for picom.InigoGutierrez
2022-10-04Updated picom config based on default config file.InigoGutierrez
2022-10-03Blue mpv and unique colors viewer for sxiv.InigoGutierrez
2022-10-03Smaller mpv font (45->30).InigoGutierrez
2022-09-22Two changes of setBG.sh to setWP.sh.InigoGutierrez
2022-09-22Moved images folder to new media home folder.InigoGutierrez
2022-09-22Macro to write [...] on vimwiki files.InigoGutierrez
2022-09-20Swap sxhkd binding now also moves windows in bspwm.InigoGutierrez
2022-09-20Changes mostly to vim, trying neovim LSP.InigoGutierrez
2022-09-05Fixed wrong pgreps in .profile.InigoGutierrez
2022-09-05Deleted unneeded stuff.InigoGutierrez
2022-09-03qutebrowser searchs and evince in rifle.InigoGutierrez
2022-09-03Color border for bswm.InigoGutierrez
2022-08-25Color changes to zathura.InigoGutierrez
2022-08-25vim ftplugin: npm server start for typescript, floating sxiv and less vimwikis.InigoGutierrez
2022-08-25rifle can open sxiv floating.InigoGutierrez
2022-08-25Updated mpv-splice to work on online videos.InigoGutierrez
2022-08-25Fixed some stuff on sxiv script.InigoGutierrez
2022-08-25New colorscheme and bash aliases for git.InigoGutierrez
2022-08-25Updated picom settings.InigoGutierrez
2022-08-25Added tokyoNight colorscheme.InigoGutierrez
2022-08-01Made o into a script and removed it from aliases.InigoGutierrez
2022-08-01Alias for cal and remote ledger file env variable.InigoGutierrez
2022-08-01Updated vim templates for sh.InigoGutierrez
2022-08-01Created template for shell scripts.InigoGutierrez
2022-08-01Put scripts at beginning of PATH.InigoGutierrez
2022-08-01Removed unneeded prefix from script invocations in sxhkd.InigoGutierrez
2022-07-27Updated and moved LS_COLORS and lesspipe to .bash_vars.InigoGutierrez
2022-07-27Added wiby search to qutebrowser.InigoGutierrez
2022-07-25Updates to .inputrc: cycling among completion options among others.InigoGutierrez
2022-07-25Commented out vim-smoothie plugin and vim macro now opens file under cursor ↵InigoGutierrez
with rifle.
2022-07-25Added SVG, video and PDF previews to ranger/scope.shInigoGutierrez
2022-06-19Added vim map for opening a buffer with the fzf plugin.InigoGutierrez
2022-06-19Added sxhkd binding for selecting audio sink.InigoGutierrez
2022-06-19Messing with vim python development config.InigoGutierrez
2022-06-19Fixed some inconsistent qutebrowser youtube-dl bindings.InigoGutierrez
2022-06-12Deleted repeated calcurse config files.InigoGutierrez
2022-06-11Apparently added an ftplugin for java development in nvim 6 months ago.InigoGutierrez
2022-06-11Meddling with vim for python development settings.InigoGutierrez
2022-06-11sxhkd bindings for bluetooth, opening downloaded videos and resizing bspdwm ↵InigoGutierrez
2022-06-11Aliases for yt-dlp, dmenu and set XDG_DATA_HOME.InigoGutierrez
2022-06-11Added some search engines to qutebrowser.InigoGutierrez
2022-06-11Added calcurse config files after reorganizing its directories for XDG.InigoGutierrez
2021-12-10A bunch of changes to different filetypes for vim.InigoGutierrez