" ~/.vim/ftplugin/html/html.vim " HTML-specific vim configuration " " Syntastic linter: tidy " Tabs are expanded to 2 spaces setlocal tabstop=2 shiftwidth=2 expandtab " Show existing tabs (they can be deleted with :retab) setlocal list " Column marker: 110 characters call matchadd('ColorColumn', '\%101v', 100) let mapleader = " " nnoremap o :!$BROWSER % & nnoremap f :!firefox --new-window % & nnoremap C :sp ~/.vim/ftplugin/html/html.vim nnoremap e :Errors nnoremap temp :-1r ~/.vim/ftplugin/html/snips/template.txtGdd?<+++>cf> let mapleader = "," " Layout elements inoremap hheader
<++>kki inoremap hnav <++>kki inoremap hsection
<++>kki inoremap harticle
<++>kki inoremap hfooter
<++>kki inoremap haside <++>kki inoremap hdiv
<++>?""a " Headers and paragraphs inoremap hh1

<++>?i inoremap hh2

<++>?i inoremap hh3

<++>?i inoremap hh4

<++>?i inoremap hh5
<++>?i inoremap hh6
<++>?i inoremap hp


i " Text formatting inoremap hb <++>?i inoremap hi <++>?i inoremap hem <++>?i inoremap hcode <++>?i inoremap hsub <++>?i inoremap hsup <++>?i inoremap hcite <++>?i " Tables inoremap htable <++><++>
<++>?""a inoremap htr <++>kki inoremap hth <++>?i inoremap htd <++>?i " Lists inoremap hul
  • <++>
<++>?i inoremap hol
  1. <++>
<++>?i inoremap hli
  • <++>?i " Forms inoremap hform
    <++>3ki inoremap hfs
    <++>kki inoremap hlegend <++>?i inoremap hlabel <++>?i " Media inoremap ha <++><++>?""a inoremap himg <++><++>?""a " Misc " Comment a line nnoremap hc I0 " Uncomment a line nnoremap hC 05x/-->3x0