" ~/.vim/ftplugin/typescript/typescript.vim " TypeScript-specific vim configuration " ALE let b:ale_linters = ['eslint'] " Tabs are expanded to 4 spaces setlocal tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab " Show existing tabs (they can be deleted with :retab) setlocal list " Column marker: 110 characters call matchadd('ColorColumn', '\%111v', 100) setlocal textwidth=110 " Mappings let mapleader = " " nnoremap C :sp ~/.vim/ftplugin/typescript/typescript.vim nnoremap s :silent !~/scripts/tmux/tmux-npmStart.sh nnoremap S :silent !~/scripts/tmux/tmux-npmStart.sh -r let mapleader = "," inoremap if if (<+++>) {<++>} <++>?<+++>cf> inoremap else else {<+++>}<++>?<+++>cf>