""" Maps """ nnoremap Y y$ nnoremap x :w:! ./% inoremap w :w inoremap /<++>cf> " Showing tabs and trailing spaces nnoremap l :set list! " Clipboard nnoremap p "+p nnoremap y "+yy vnoremap y "+y nnoremap d "+dd vnoremap d "+d " Split navigation map h map j map k map l map < map + map - map > map 10< map 5+ map 5- map 10> " Open vimrc nnoremap vrc :80vsp ~/.vimrc " Open tmux panel nnoremap S :!tmux split-window -l '40\%' " Open netrw nnoremap f :40Vexplore nnoremap F :40Lexplore " Open buffer nnoremap :Buffers " Moving -here- nnoremap h :cd %:h " Spelling nnoremap ss :set spell! nnoremap sl :set spelllang= nnoremap sL :setlocal spelllang= " Open file under cursor nnoremap go :!xdg-open nnoremap :tabnew "nnoremap gt "Can't be set without also remapping "nnoremap gT " hlnext: Highlighting searches nnoremap n n:call HLNext(0.1) nnoremap N N:call HLNext(0.1) function! HLNext(blinktime) set invcursorline redraw exec 'sleep'.float2nr(a:blinktime*400).'m' set invcursorline redraw endfunction " dragvisuals: dragging visual blocks vmap DVB_Drag('left') vmap DVB_Drag('right') vmap DVB_Drag('down') vmap DVB_Drag('up') vmap D DVB_Duplicate() " Search text that does not exist nnoremap / /grtfjx