# Imago An AI player of the game of Go. ## The project Imago is a Go AI developed as a TFG (Final Degree Project) for the Bachelor of Software Engineering of the University of Oviedo. ## Implementation Imago is written in Python and the source code is inside the `imago` folder. The implementation includes core game logic and a GTP engine able to play using either Monte Carlo Tree Search or a neural network trained on human matches. A game of go with no AI can be played by running the `go.py` script. This is useful to test the core game logic. The GTP engine can be started by the `imagocli.py` script. Following the GTP specification, known commands can be listed by entering `list_commands` on the GTP engine's interface. Tests are stored in the `tests` folder. The tests can be run with the `test.sh` script which uses the Python package `coverage` to get coverage statistics. ## Documentation The source code for the documentation is laid out inside the `doc` folder, including a Makefile to compile it. The documentation compiling process depends on `xelatex`, `biber`, `plantuml` and some `LaTeX` packages.