\section{Appendixes} Additional information is included here, after the main sections regarding the project. \subsection{User manual} This manual explains to the end user how to use the software. \subsubsection{The game: the \texttt{go.py} interface} \texttt{go.py} is a simple executable to interact with the Game system of this project. It makes use of no artificial intelligence whatsoever, its aim just being allowing for human play. It can be executed in a shell as: { \centering \begin{minipage}{0.4\textwidth} \texttt{python go.py} \end{minipage} \par } or by any other means of executing a python file with access to its input and output streams. The executable receives no arguments and has no options. When executed the user is presented with the following interface: { \centering \begin{minipage}{0.4\textwidth} \inputminted{text}{listings/goInterface/01-start.txt} \end{minipage} \par } The state of the board (empty for now) is shown and the user is prompted for a move. The color to make the move is marked between brackets: \texttt{B} for Black, \texttt{W} for White. A move can now be provided for the Black player, such as \texttt{e6}. { \centering \begin{minipage}{0.4\textwidth} \inputminted{text}{listings/goInterface/02-firstMove.txt} \end{minipage} \par } The interface shows again the state of the board. The game can continue until the move ``pass'' is provided for both players. { \centering \begin{minipage}{\textwidth} \begin{multicols}{2} \inputminted[fontsize=\small]{text}{listings/goInterface/03-fullGame.txt} \end{multicols} \end{minipage} \par } The game will also show captured stones and notify illegal moves, such as wrong input or because of the \gls{ko} rule. { \centering \begin{minipage}{\textwidth} \begin{multicols}{2} \inputminted[fontsize=\small]{text}{listings/goInterface/04-ko.txt} \end{multicols} \end{minipage} \par } \subsubsection{The engine: the \texttt{imagocli.py} interface} \texttt{imagocli.py} is a text interface which follows the \acrfull{gtp} specification. It can be executed in a shell as: { \centering \begin{minipage}{0.4\textwidth} \texttt{python imagocli.py} \end{minipage} \par } If desired, the \acrshort{ai} to be run can be passed as an argument to the \texttt{-e} option, but it is not necessary. The available arguments are: \begin{itemize} \item \texttt{montecarlo}: The Monte Carlo Tree Search algorithm is used. \item \texttt{keras}: The default Keras neural network, the convolutional one, is used. \item \texttt{dense}: The dense neural network is used. \item \texttt{conv}: The convolutional neural network is used. \end{itemize} So, if for example the dense neural network is the one to use, the program would be executed as: { \centering \begin{minipage}{0.4\textwidth} \texttt{python imagocli.py -e dense} \end{minipage} \par } If no arguments are provided the default configuration is to use the Monte Carlo Tree Search algorithm. When executed interactively and before any input is provided it just waits for input with no prompt whatsoever. This is in compliance with the \acrshort{gtp} specification. These are the commands that the program knows and a short description of what each does: \begin{itemize} \item \texttt{list\_commands}: Shows a list of the commands the engine knows. \item \texttt{known\_command}: Receives an argument and tells whether it is a known command or not. \item \texttt{name}: Shows the name of the program. \item \texttt{version}: Shows the version of the program. \item \texttt{protocol\_version}: Shows the implemented \acrshort{gtp} version number. \item \texttt{boardsize}: Changes the size of the board. Results in an arbitrary internal state unless \texttt{clear\_board} is called after it. \item \texttt{clear\_board}: The board is cleared of stones, the record of captured stones resets to zero and the move history resets to empty. \item \texttt{komi}: Sets the value for \gls{komi}. \item \texttt{fixed\_handicap}: The given number of handicap stones are placed following the protocol specification, which follows traditional placement of handicap. \item \texttt{place\_free\_handicap}: The given number of handicap stones are placed following the AI criteria. \item \texttt{set\_free\_handicap}: The given number of handicap stones are placed on the requested vertices. \item \texttt{play}: A stone of the requested color is played at the requested vertex. \item \texttt{genmove}: A stone of the requested color is played following the AI criteria. The played move is printed. \item \texttt{undo}: The state is restored to before the last move, which is removed from the move history. \item \texttt{showboard}: Prints a text representation of the board state. \end{itemize} Here is an example of a session. { \centering \begin{minipage}{\textwidth} \begin{multicols}{2} \inputminted[fontsize=\small]{text}{listings/imagocliInterface/01-start.txt} \end{multicols} \end{minipage} \par } Note how responses from the program begin with an equals symbol and a space but with a question mark replacing the space to mark errors, like when providing an unknown command (exemplified here with \texttt{nonexistentcommand} in line 16). This session consists first of some information asked to the engine: its name, its version and the version of \acrshort{gtp} it implements. Then exemplifies how to check if a command is implemented and an error answer. Then, the main commands to interact with the game and the \acrshort{ai} are executed: \texttt{play}, to provide an initial explicit move, and \texttt{genmove}, to obtain an \acrshort{ai}-generated move. Finally, a representation of the board state after these two moves is obtained with \texttt{showboard} and the engine is closed with \texttt{quit}. \subsubsection{Example of \acrshort{gui} use: configuring Sabaki} Since the main aim of implementing a \acrshort{gtp} interface is having it be compatible with existing tools, an explanation of how to use it in conjunction with one such established tool is provided. \begin{figure}[p] \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=0.8\textwidth]{img/sabakiManual/01-initialScreen.jpg} \caption{Sabaki after being started. }\label{fig:sabakiStart} \end{center} \end{figure} Sabaki \cite{sabaki} is a Go board software compatible with \acrshort{gtp} engines. It can be downloaded from \texttt{https://sabaki.yichuanshen.de/}. When started, it shows a screen such as the one in \fref{fig:sabakiStart}. \begin{figure}[p] \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=0.8\textwidth]{img/sabakiManual/02-examplePlaying.jpg} \caption{Playing some moves on the default board. }\label{fig:sabakiExampleMoves} \end{center} \end{figure} This initial screen contains a 19x19 board ready to be played on by local human players. The stones can be placed by clicking on the desired vertices of the board and, as would be expected, the interface swaps between players after each move. An example of the screen after some initial moves can be seen on \fref{fig:sabakiExampleMoves}. \begin{figure}[p] \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=0.8\textwidth]{img/sabakiManual/03-enginesSidebar.jpg} \caption{Opened the engines sidebar (on the left). }\label{fig:sabakiEnginesSidebar} \end{center} \end{figure} To set Sabaki to work with \texttt{imagocli.py} first open the engines sidebar by clicking on ``Engines'', then ``Show Engines Sidebar''. The window should now look like the one shown on \fref{fig:sabakiEnginesSidebar}, with the engines sidebar open at the left but with nothing shown on it yet. \begin{figure}[h] \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=0.8\textwidth]{img/sabakiManual/04-engineManagement.jpg} \caption{The engine management window. }\label{fig:sabakiEngineManagement} \end{center} \end{figure} Click on the symbol on the top left of the engines sidebar, the one with a triangle inside of a circle (the play button), and on ``Manage Engines...'' on the opened floating dialog. The engine management window will open, as shown on \fref{fig:sabakiEngineManagement}. \begin{figure}[p] \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=0.8\textwidth]{img/sabakiManual/05-configuredEngine.jpg} \caption{\texttt{imagocli.py} configured as engine. }\label{fig:sabakiConfiguredEngine} \end{center} \end{figure} Engines are listed on the big box at the center of the window, but if none has yet been configured nothing will be shown there. Click ``Add'' to create the first engine entry. Give it a name by writing on the first line of the newly created entry, then write the path to the \texttt{imagocli.py} executable besides the folder symbol, at the text box prompting for the path to the engine. Alternatively, click on the folder symbol and a file explorer will open where it will be possible to graphically select the executable file. Arguments and initial commands to provide to the engine can be configured here, but none of them will be needed for the default configuration of \program{}. An example of the configured engine is shown on \fref{fig:sabakiConfiguredEngine}. \begin{figure}[p] \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=0.8\textwidth]{img/sabakiManual/06-configuringAMatch.jpg} \caption{Configuring a match against the engine. }\label{fig:sabakiConfiguringAMatch} \end{center} \end{figure} The engine management window can now be closed by clicking on ``Close'' at its bottom right. Click again on the play button, the one on the top left of the engines sidebar, and select the newly created engine entry. The engine will now be started. By default, Sabaki will provide it the \texttt{name}, \texttt{version}, \texttt{protocol\_version} and \texttt{list\_commands} commands, and the text interface will be shown on the engines sidebar. To play against the engine, click on ``File'', then ``New'', or just use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+N. A window will be shown where a new game can be configured. The most important settings are making the engine be one (or both) of the players and setting the board size to 9x9, since this is where the engine plays best. For example, to set the engine as the white player, click on the arrow next to the white player's name and select the engine, represented by the name given to it before, on the floating menu. The size of the board can be set on the ``Board Size'' setting. Other options allow to set a name for the other player, a name for the match, the \gls{komi} and the handicap stones, if any. When ready, click ``Ok'' on the bottom right of the window. An example configuration can be seen on \fref{fig:sabakiConfiguringAMatch}. If the engine doesn't respond to the moves, which should be clear since its status is shown on the engines sidebar, try adding it to the match by clicking on ``Attach Engine'' and then on its name on the new match window, instead of directly on its name. This creates a new entry for the engine on the engines sidebar. Multiple instances of the same or different engines can be running at the same time; to remove one, just right click on its name and click on ``Detach'' on the floating menu. \begin{figure}[p] \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=0.8\textwidth]{img/sabakiManual/07-playingAgainstImago.png} \caption{Playing some moves against \program{}. }\label{fig:sabakiAgainstTheEngine} \end{center} \end{figure} The engine can now be played against: when black (the human) makes a move, it will respond as white. Some initial moves against it can be seen on \fref{fig:sabakiAgainstTheEngine}. Note the interaction between Sabaki and the \acrshort{gtp} interface on the engines sidebar. \clearpage \subsection{Budget} Here are tables regarding the costs of resources and development for the project. \subsubsection{Work resources} The costs are calculated based on a programmer salary of 20€/hour. \begin{table}[H] \makebox[\linewidth]{ \begin{tabular}{l r r} \toprule \textbf{Task} & \textbf{Time (hours)} & \textbf{Cost (€)} \\ \midrule Game preliminary research & 15 & 300 \\ \midrule Game implementation & 95 & 1900 \\ \midrule Game unit testing & 90 & 1800 \\ \midrule Game system testing & 15 & 300 \\ \midrule Engine preliminary research & 15 & 300 \\ \midrule Engine implementation & 75 & 1500 \\ \midrule Algorithms implementations & 135 & 2700 \\ \midrule Engine testing & 75 & 1500 \\ \midrule Results analysis & 30 & 600 \\ \midrule \textbf{Total} & \textbf{545} & \textbf{10900} \\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} } \end{table} \subsubsection{Material resources} \begin{table}[H] \makebox[\linewidth]{ \begin{tabular}{l r} \toprule \textbf{Resource} & \textbf{Cost (€)} \\ \midrule Development computer & 600 \\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} } \end{table} \subsubsection{Totals} \begin{table}[H] \makebox[\linewidth]{ \begin{tabular}{l r} \toprule \textbf{Category} & \textbf{Cost (€)} \\ \midrule Work & 10900 \\ \midrule Materials & 600 \\ \midrule \textbf{Total} & \textbf{11500} \\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} } \end{table} \subsubsection{Budget for the client} \begin{table}[H] \makebox[\linewidth]{ \begin{tabular}{l r} \toprule \textbf{Task} & \textbf{Cost (€)} \\ \midrule Game system development & 2200 \\ \midrule Engine development & 4500 \\ \midrule Testing & 3600 \\ \midrule Result analysis & 600 \\ \midrule Materials & 600 \\ \midrule \textbf{Total} & \textbf{11500} \\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} } \end{table}