\newglossaryentry{ko} { name=ko, description={A rule forbidding plays that would repeat the previous board position} } \newglossaryentry{superko} { name=superko, description={A modification to the ko rule forbidding plays that would repeat any previous board position and not just the last one} } \newglossaryentry{komi} { name=komi, description={Points given to the white player to compensate for playing second} } \newglossaryentry{suicide} { name=suicide move, description={A typically prohibited move which doesn't capture any stone and results in the player's group having zero liberties} } \newglossaryentry{tsumego} { name=tsumego, description={A Go problem} } \newglossaryentry{criticalPoint} { name=critical point, description={A position on the board which makes a group either live or die depending on who plays there first} } \newglossaryentry{eye} { name=eye, description={An area surrounded by a group. If a group has at least two eyes it can never be captured, since the opponent would have to play in all the eyes simultaneously to capture it} } \newacronym{ai}{AI}{Artificial Intelligence} \newacronym{ast}{AST}{Annotated Syntax Tree} \newacronym{gtp}{GTP}{Go Text Protocol} \newacronym{gui}{GUI}{Graphical User Interface} \newacronym{sgf}{SGF}{Smart Game Format}