\section{Implementation} \subsection{Development Hardware} The development and evaluation machine is a Satellite L50-C laptop. Its specifications are shown as a list for readability. \begin{itemize} \item \textbf{CPU}: Intel i5-6200U, 2.800GHz \item \textbf{Integrated GPU}: Intel Skylake GT2 \item \textbf{Dedicated GPU}: Nvidia Geforce 930M \item \textbf{RAM}: 8 GiB \end{itemize} \subsection{Development Software} The tools selected for the development of the project and the documentation are listed and explained on this section. All the tools used are either free \cite{fsf_free} or open source software. The development machine runs 64 bits Arch Linux as its operating system. \subsubsection{Language} The programming language of choice is Python \cite{python}. The rationale behind this decision has been stated on Section \ref{sec:programmingLanguage}. It also allows easy use of the Keras library for implementing neural networks. Various Python libraries have been used to easy the development process or assist in the analysis of results. These are: \paragraph{Keras/Tensorflow \cite{keras}} Tensorflow is a platform for machine learning which provides a diverse range of tools, one of which is a Python library for machine learning. Keras is a high-level API for Tensorflow allowing for the easy definition of neural networks. It permits easily testing and comparing different network layouts. \paragraph{NumPy \cite{numpy}} A scientific package for Python providing a lot of mathematical tools. The most interesting for this project are its capabilities to create and transform matrices. \paragraph{Matplotlib \cite{matplotlib}} A Python library for creating graphs and other visualizations. It is used to show the likelihood of moves the neural networks of the project create from a board configuration. \paragraph{PLY \cite{ply}} A tool for generating compilers in Python. It is an implementation of the lex and yacc utilities, allowing to create lexers and parsers. It is used in the project to create the SGF parser which transform SGF files to internal representations of Go matches. \paragraph{Other utility libraries} These are some utility libraries commonly used for frequent programming tasks: \begin{itemize} \item \textbf{sys}: to stop the execution of the program or access system info such as primitives maximum values. \item \textbf{os}: to interact with files. \item \textbf{re}: to check strings with regular expressions. \item \textbf{random}: to get random values, for example to obtain a random item from a list. \item \textbf{copy}: to obtain deep copies of multidimensional arrays. \end{itemize} \subsubsection{Development Tools} \paragraph{Neovim \cite{neovim}} A text editor based on Vim \cite{vim}, providing its same functionality with useful additions and defaults for modern computers and terminal emulators. With some extensions and configuration it can become a powerful development environment with a very fluid usage experience. That, and the fact that the developer considers Vim's modal editing the best writing experience possible on a computer, have made Neovim the editor of choice. %TODO: Write about neovim extensions %\begin{itemize} % \item FZF % \item Extensions % %\end{itemize} \subsubsection{Documentation Tools} \paragraph{\LaTeX \cite{latex}} A typesetting system widely used in the investigation field, among others. It allows for documentation like this text to be written in plain text and then compiled to PDF or other formats, which permits keeping the source files of the documentation small and organized plus other benefits of plain text such as being able to use version control. \paragraph{PlantUML \cite{puml}} A program which creates diagrams from plain text files. PlantUML supports syntax for many different sorts of diagrams, mainly but not only UML. It has been used to generate the diagrams used in this text. \paragraph{Make} A tool for specifying and handling dependencies on a build system. It reads a file, typically named ``Makefile'', containing which files are needed and on which other files each of them depends, and then generates those files or updates them if they already exist but their source files are newer than them. It has been used to generate this text from \LaTeX{} and PlantUML source files. The contents of the Makefile with which this document has been compiled are shown in \lref{code:makefile}. \begin{listing}[h] \inputminted{make}{Makefile} \caption{Documentation Makefile}\label{code:makefile} \end{listing}