\section{Previous works} \subsection{SGF} SGF (\textit{Smart Go Format} or, in a more general context, \textit{Smart Game Format}) is a text file format specification for records of games or collections of them. It was devised for Go but it supports other games with similar turn-based structure. It supports move variations, annotations, setups and game metadata. By supporting SGF our application can be used to analyse existing games registered by other applications, such as those played on online Go servers. The SGF specification can be found at \url{https://www.red-bean.com/sgf/user_guide/index.html} \subsection{GTP} GTP (\textit{Go Text Protocol}) is a text based protocol for communication with computer go programs. [ref https://www.lysator.liu.se/~gunnar/gtp/] It is the protocol used by GNU Go and the more modern and powerful KataGo. By supporting GTP our application can be used with existing GUIs and other programs, making it easier to use it with the tools users are already familiar with.