
Taamas' Mainpage

A locally hosted webpage to use as a browser home page.


This is a simple, minimalist mainpage. It consists of a title, a background and some buttons for search fields in selected webpages. When a button is clicked, the corresponding search box appears and the others are hidden.


For the mainpage to work, the home page of the browser must be set to the path of index.html, for example file:///home/username/.mainpage/index.html.

The background image to be loaded must be named bg.jpg and be located in a folder named img which has to be in the same folder as index.html. This can be customized editing the background-image: url(../img/bg.jpg); line in css/style.css.

To change the title, edit the <h1>Taamas' mainpage</h1> line in index.html.

The search fields loaded are determined by a file in the root of the page directory named urls. The syntax of given urls is as follows:

'[mnemonic]': '[url]' #[name]
  • mnemonic is the text on the button.
  • url is the search url and has to contain {}, which will be subtituted by search terms.
  • name can be used as a reminder of the target web name and will appear as the search box background.

In my case, this file is generated by a command executed by vim when I save the configuration file of qutebrowser, where my preferred search engines are stored:

autocmd BufWritePost ~/.config/qutebrowser/config.py !grep -e \'.*\':\ \'.*{}.*\' "$HOME/.config/qutebrowser/config.py" | grep -v DEFAULT | sed 's/,//; s/^\ *//' > ~/.mainpage/urls

The repo includes a file named urlsExample. This file can be edited to configure the prefered search fields. Remember to rename it to urls afterwards or create a new urls file. The urlsExample serves just as a guide for syntax and is not used by the page in any way, so it can be removed safely.