Jonavin Kastenwagen 48 Keymap Designed to match my other keymaps NOTE: Uses userpace user/jonavin Feature changes from Default - Bottom row mapping LCtrl, LAlt, LGui, spacebars, MO(2)/LOWER, MO(1)/FN, RCtrl - CAPS as MO(3)/RAISE - tap to toggle - numpad in MO(3) layer - double tap L Shift for CAPS - RESET moved to under encoder in MO(2) - implement Win Key Lock - GRV Escape overides - ENCODERS - TOP LEFT - Volume up/down - TOP RIGHT - Left Shift held - change layers - Right Shift held - Page Up/Down - Left Ctrl held - navigate next/prev words - Left Alt held - change media next/prev track - RAISE + Encode push toggles between volume change and tab scrolling - ENCODER_DIRECTION_FLIP has been defined to avoid issues with encoder going in opposition direction OPTIONS in --------------------------------------- STARTUP_NUMLOCK_ON = yes - turns on NUMLOCK by default ENCODER_DEFAULTACTIONS_ENABLE = yes - Enabled default encoder funtions - When enabled, use this in the keymap for an additional encoder processing - bool encoder_update_keymap(uint8_t index, bool clockwise) OPTION: set ENCODER_DEFAULTACTIONS_INDEX in config.h to the encoder number if the encoder is not index 0 -- set to 1 for top right encoder TD_LSFT_CAPSLOCK_ENABLE = yes - This will enable double tap on Left Shift to toggle CAPSLOCK - KC_LSFTCAPS to bind to left Shift to enable feature - KC_LSFTCAPSWIN does the same thing but will not turn on CAPS when Win Lkey is disabled INVERT_NUMLOCK_INDICATOR - inverts the Num lock indicator, LED is on when num lock is off ALTTAB_SCROLL_ENABLE - When ENCODER_DEFAULTACTIONS_ENABLE = yes, Enables Alt-Tab scrolling functions in default encoder, bind KS_TSTOG to a key to enable/disable Alt-Tab vs Volume control - When defining your own encoder functions use encoder_action_alttabscroll(bool clockwise) to assign the encodr action Layout ![image](