#!/bin/sh # Sets up a custom environment in an Arch installation # Initialization packagesFile="$HOME/repos/configs/packages.txt" # Setup is done from the $HOME directory cd # Install git to get needed repos echo "Installing git" sudo pacman -S git echo "" echo "Setting up git config." git config --global user.name "InigoGutierrez" git config --global user.email "inigogf.95@gmail.com" echo "" mkdir "repos" # Clone scripts and configs repos if [ ! -d "scripts" ]; then echo "Cloning scripts repo" git clone https://github.com/InigoGutierrez/scripts echo "" fi if [ ! -d "repos/configs" ]; then echo "Cloning configs repo" cd repos git clone https://github.com/InigoGutierrez/configs cd $HOME echo "" fi cd # Read programs to install from file sed -n '/^# pacman/,/^# yay/p' "$packagesFile" | sed '/^#/d' | pacman -S - # Clone specific programs sources to be compiled and installed later cd "$HOME/repos" git clone "https://git.suckless.org/dmenu" git clone "https://github.com/muennich/sxiv" git clone "https://aur.archlinux.org/yay.git" cd # Put config files in place echo "Putting config files in place" cd "$HOME/repos/configs" sh setup.sh echo "" cd # Compile specific programs echo "Installing some program repos." cd "$HOME/repos" cd dmenu make sudo make install make clean cd .. cd sxiv make sudo make install make clean cd .. cd yay makepkg -si cd echo "" # Install programs with yay sed -n '/^# yay/,$p' "$packagesFile" | sed '/^#/d' | yay -S -