#!/bin/sh # Shows an emoji with the phase of the moon [ ! -f "/bin/pom" ] && echo "🌜 bsd-games not installed. 🌛" && exit 0 pom | grep -F -q "New" && moon=🌚 pom | grep -F -q "Waxing Crescent" && moon=🌒 pom | grep -F -q "First Quarter" && moon=🌓 pom | grep -F -q "Waxing Gibbous" && moon=🌔 pom | grep -F -q "is Full" && moon=🌝 pom | grep -F -q "Waning Gibbous" && moon=🌖 pom | grep -F -q "Last Quarter" && moon=🌗 pom | grep -F -q "Waning Crescent" && moon=🌘 echo "$moon" case $BLOCK_BUTTON in 1) dunstify -r "$(dunstifyIDs.sh "moon")" "$moon $(pom) $moon";; 3) dunstify -r "$(dunstifyIDs.sh "moon")" "moon" "$(curl 'wttr.in/moon?0T')";; esac