# mapGen.sh A shellscript to make grid maps from text files. ![Simple map example](examples/simpleBig.jpg) ``` xxxxx xGGxx xxooG xxGox xxxxx ``` ## Dependencies - A POSIX-compliant shell (`bash`, `dash`, `sh`, `zsh`) - ImageMagick - Tools expected in a Unix environment: `grep`, `sed`, `awk` ## Motivation The want for Vim to be a map maker. ## Concept Given a text file in which each character represents a cell, have a script draw that map. `mapGen.sh` takes as input a text file with a block of text which ideally has a block of characters with no missing ones. It also takes a folder in which tile images are supposed to be. For each character in the file, it randomly takes one image in that folder which name starts with that characters and creates an image from the text file. ## Examples ![Cave dungeon example](examples/caveBig.jpg) ![Tiled dungeon example](examples/tiledDungeonBig.jpg) Both images obtained from the same input: ``` XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXooooooooXXXXXX XXXXXXoooooooooXXXXX XXXXXXooooooooooooXX XXXXCDooooooooooooDX XXXXXXooooooooooooXX XXXXXXooooooooooooXX XXXXXXoooooooooXXXXX XXXXXXooooooooXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXSXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXooooXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXooooooXXXXXXX XXXXXXooooooooXXXXXX XooooXoooCooooXooooX XoCooXooooooooXooooX XooooXooooooooXooooX XooooXXooooooXXooooX XooooXXXooooXXXooooX XooooXXXXooXXXXooooX XXXoXXXXXooXXXXXooXX XXXoXXXXooooXXXXooXX XXXoooooooooooooooXX XXXXXXooooooooooooXX XXXXXXXXooooXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXooXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXooXXXXXXXXX ``` ## Usage ``` mapGen.sh [-s SIZE] [-f TILE_FOLDER] SOURCE_FILE ``` Where `SIZE` is the size of the tile images in pixels (default 8), `TILE_FOLDER` is the folder where the tile images are stored (default `./tiles`) and `SOURCE_FILE` is the text file with the layout of the map. ## Possibilities The direct mapping of characters in text file to beginning of tile image name gives flexibility to either choose characters easy to read on the file or to use characters directly taken from the image names for easier memorization. Either way, the "configuration" of the relationship is trivial and freely customizable. For the examples I used tiles of 8x8 pixels, but other styles could be attained by using bigger ones. Note that there is no logic for relative location of tiles.