
Walking into the forest


I’m a Computer Software Engineering student from Asturias, Spain. This is the webpage of my school, an institution part of the University of Oviedo. 2020/2021 will be my last year there, since all that remains are one subject and my TFG (Trabajo de Fin de Grado / Final Degree Project).

Rice 1 Working with JS

My system

I tend to independence and self-made things, so Linux is my OS of choice. In my free time at the computer I tend to tinker with programs and scripts to automate or simplify tasks, or to give life to random ideas. Here are two screenshots from my main computer: one a typical meme r/unixporn setup, the other the more common bunch of Vim buffers covering the screen.

I used Ubuntu for a short time since it is supposed to be a welcoming distro for noobs. I shortly after swapped to Arch, since I felt that Ubuntu had too many components to freely tinker, build and learn the system. I’ve been using it for the last two years.

My work

I work as a junior software developer at GADD, where I am part of a team developing an online ticketing application.

Some of my work can be found at my personal Gitea instance, both for University and for learning and having fun. There you will find:

Leiva, doing stuff

Other stuff

I’m currently studying the game of Go. I find it a deep and rewarding game which links with principles of simplicity and efficiency.

My girlfriend lend me her electric guitar, so I’m also trying to learn it (no hurry).

Philosophically I’m interested in stoicism and zen as inspirations to escape from the nihilism and existential dread which permeates our modern society and my generation. Zen also links in surprising ways with the Unix Philosophy, so I can more directly apply it to my field of knowledge.

Also, my sister wanted a cat, so I live with this devil called Leiva. She really likes my chair!

Thank you for reading my page! It’s source code is available here.