path: root/stow/tmux/.tmux.conf
diff options
authorInigoGutierrez <inigogf.95@gmail.com>2021-07-15 01:57:30 +0200
committerInigoGutierrez <inigogf.95@gmail.com>2021-07-15 01:57:30 +0200
commit14791883624bf10227a6ffa9172c8030b87d4675 (patch)
tree8245e91cf4da07344dd1148b32c51d2b8c33f76d /stow/tmux/.tmux.conf
parentb8b7563bd9cf1731cb5dc2e34ed88d5bc1e336c8 (diff)
Lots of renames: stow can't handle folder with --dotfiles option.
Diffstat (limited to 'stow/tmux/.tmux.conf')
1 files changed, 70 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/stow/tmux/.tmux.conf b/stow/tmux/.tmux.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f65fa6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stow/tmux/.tmux.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+unbind C-b
+set -g prefix m-a
+bind m-a send-prefix
+set-option -g default-terminal "screen-256color"
+set -g xterm-keys on
+#setw -g monitor-activity on
+#set -g visual-activity on
+set -g mode-keys vi
+set -g status-keys vi
+# Theme
+#set-option -g status-style attr=default
+# status bar
+set-option -g status-style "fg=colour4 bg=default"
+# status bar windows
+set-window-option -g window-status-style "fg=colour4 bg=default"
+# status bar selected window
+set -g window-status-current-style "fg=colour13 bg=default"
+#set-window-option -g window-status-current-attr bold default
+# pane borders
+set-option -g pane-border-style "fg=colour0 bg=default"
+set-option -g pane-active-border-style "fg=colour4 bg=default"
+# pane number display
+set-option -g display-panes-colour colour4
+set-option -g display-panes-active-colour colour5
+# messages
+set-option -g message-style "fg=colour2 bg=default"
+# clock
+set-window-option -g clock-mode-colour colour4
+# sizes
+set -g status-interval 60
+set -g status-left-length 20
+#set -g status-left '#[fg=green](#S) #(whoami) '
+set -g status-left '(#S) '
+#{?window_zoomed_flag, ,🔍}
+set -g base-index 0
+set -s escape-time 0
+bind r source-file ~/.tmux.conf \; display-message "Config reloaded"
+bind-key C command-prompt -p "Name of new window:" "new-window -n '%%'"
+# moving between panes with vim movement keys
+bind h select-pane -L
+bind j select-pane -D
+bind k select-pane -U
+bind l select-pane -R
+# moving between windows with vim movement keys
+#bind -r H select-window -t :-
+#bind -r L select-window -t :+
+# resize panes with vim movement keys
+bind -r m-h resize-pane -L 1
+bind -r m-j resize-pane -D 1
+bind -r m-k resize-pane -U 1
+bind -r m-l resize-pane -R 1
+bind -r m-H resize-pane -L 10
+bind -r m-J resize-pane -D 10
+bind -r m-K resize-pane -U 10
+bind -r m-L resize-pane -R 10
+# cursor shape in nvim
+set -ga terminal-overrides '*:Ss=\E[%p1%d q:Se=\E[ q'
+# recommended by nvim :healthcheck
+set-option -sa terminal-overrides ',rxvt-256color:RGB'
+# tmux-url-select
+bind u run tmux-url-select