path: root/files/vim/ftplugin/vimwiki/vimwiki.vim
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-07-15Morphed repo to stow structure. Added a bunch of configs in the process.InigoGutierrez
2020-07-09Trying space as leader for vim ftplugins.InigoGutierrez
2020-05-08Added markdown header template.InigoGutierrez
2020-04-30Added blank lines at end of some files.InigoGutierrez
2020-04-28Several changed in vim's filetype plugins.InigoGutierrez
2019-12-16Figured out colors in vim.InigoGutierrez
2019-12-04Discovered setlocal and map <buffer>.InigoGutierrez
2019-12-04Added calcurse module to i3blocks and reorganized vim files.InigoGutierrez