path: root/doc/tex/systemAnalysis.tex
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1 files changed, 31 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/tex/systemAnalysis.tex b/doc/tex/systemAnalysis.tex
index bbae66e..ba5fbf1 100644
--- a/doc/tex/systemAnalysis.tex
+++ b/doc/tex/systemAnalysis.tex
@@ -878,6 +878,17 @@ The engine interface reads the input for generating a move as stated by the
\subsection{Testing Plan Specification}
+The Testing Plan will include four types of tests:
+ \item Unitary Testing: for isolated code elements.
+ \item Integration Testing: for the collaboration between components.
+ \item System Testing: for the product as a whole.
+ \item Usability Testing: for the experience of users with the product.
\subsubsection{Unitary Testing}
Tests for the Python code are developed using the unittest \cite{python_unittest}
@@ -888,4 +899,24 @@ The coverage of unit testing is checked with Coverage.py \cite{python_coverage},
which can by itself run the unittest tests and generate coverage reports based
on the results.
+The script used to run the tests is shown on \lref{lst:test} and its output on
% Maybe put an example report here?
+ \inputminted{bash}{listings/test.sh}
+ \caption{Dense neural network model.}
+ \label{lst:test}
+ \inputminted[fontsize=\footnotesize]{text}{listings/testOutput.txt}
+ \caption{Unitary testing output.}
+ \label{lst:testOutput}
+\subsubsection{Integration Testing}
+\subsubsection{System Testing}
+\subsubsection{Usability Testing}