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\section{System Design}
-\subsection{Class diagram}
+\subsection{Class Diagram}
-The full class diagram is shown in \fref{fig:fullClasses}
+The full class diagram is shown in \fref{fig:fullClasses}.
- \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{diagrams/fullClasses.png}
- \caption{Full class diagram.}
- \label{fig:fullClasses}
+ \makebox[0pt]{\begin{minipage}{1.2\textwidth}
+ \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{diagrams/fullClasses.png}
+ \caption{Full class diagram.}
+ \label{fig:fullClasses}
+ \end{minipage}}
-% From here
+The design of each system of the diagram is explained after this section
+together with diagrams for each subsystem, since the full class diagram can be
+too big to be comfortably analyzed.
+ \begin{center}
+ \includegraphics[width=0.55\textwidth]{diagrams/gameModule.png}
+ \caption{Design of the implementation of the game of Go.}
+ \label{fig:game}
+ A game is represented as a tree of moves.
+ \end{center}
+A regular Go match is composed of a list of moves. But since game review and
+variants exploration is an important part of Go learning, \program{} and most
+playing and analysis existing programs allow for navigation back and forth
+through the board states of a match and for new variants to be created from each
+of these board states. Therefore, a match is represented as a tree of moves. The
+GameMove class has the information about a specific move and also a reference to
+the previous move and to a list of following moves, implementing this tree
+structure and allowing for navigating both forward and backwards in the move
+The state of the board at any given move must be stored so liberties, captures
+count and legality of moves can be addressed, so it is represented with the
+GameState class, which holds a reference to the current move.
+Moves depend on a representation of the game board to have access to its current
+layout and count of captured stones. There are also many logic operations needed
+to be performed on the board, such as getting the stones in a group, counting
+their liberties or checking if a move is playable. The layout of the board and
+these operations are implemented as the GameBoard class.
+A game can be started by the executable \texttt{go.py}.
+These classes and their relationships can be seen in \fref{fig:game}.
+ \begin{center}
+ \includegraphics[width=0.8\textwidth]{diagrams/engineModule.png}
+ \caption{Design of the GTP engine.}\label{fig:engine}
+ \end{center}
An implementation of GTP, that is, the piece of software which offers the GTP
-interface to other applications.\@ It is designed to be used by a software
+interface to other applications. It is designed to be used by a software
controller but can also be directly run, mostly for debugging purposes. Its
design is shown in \fref{fig:engine}. The core of the engine is related with
three components, each with a separate responsibility:
- \item The IO component is the one called from other applications and offers
- the text interface. It reads and processes input and calls corresponding
- commands from the core of the engine.
- \item The EngineBoard component stores the state of the match, recording
- information such as the history of boards positions and whose turn goes
- next. The engine core uses it for these state-storing purposes.
- \item The EngineAI component is responsible of analyzing the match and
- generate moves. The engine core uses it when a decision has to be made
- by the AI, such as when a move needs to be generated by the engine.
+ \item The ImagoIO component is the one imported from executables or other
+ applications and offers the text interface. It reads and processes input
+ and calls corresponding commands from the core of the engine.
+ \item The GameEngine contains the logic of the commands available from the
+ IO component. It uses a GameState to keep a record of the game and uses
+ a DecisionAlgorithm to generate moves.
+ \item The DecisionAlgorithm component is responsible of analyzing the match
+ and generate moves. The engine core uses it when a decision has to be
+ made by the AI, such as when a move needs to be generated by the engine.
+Two implementations of DecisionAlgorithm have been made: one for the Monte
+Carlo Tree Search algorithm (on the MCTS class) and the other for neural
+networks (on the Keras class).
+The Keras class also makes use of the NeuralNetwork class, which offers
+functions for creating, training, saving and using neural network models. The
+designs of the network are implemented in the subclasses DenseNeuralNetwork and
+ConvNeuralNetwork as examples of dense and convolutional networks, respectively.
+The engine can be started with the executable \texttt{imagocli.py}.
+\subsubsection{Monte Carlo Tree Search Explained}
+Monte Carlo Tree Search is an algorithm that can be useful for exploring
+decision trees. It was used by AlphaGo in conjunction with neural networks as
+explained in the AlphaGo 2016 paper\cite{natureAlphaGo2016}.
+The algorithm assigns a score to each explored node based on how likely the
+player who makes the corresponding move is to win and updates this score on each
+exploration cycle.
+The exploration of the tree has 4 steps:
+ \item \textbf{Selection}: The most promising move with unexplored children
+ is selected for exploration. Unexplored children are viable moves which
+ are not yet part of the tree.
+ \item \textbf{Expansion}: An unexplored children of the selected move is
+ added to the tree. This children is selected at random.
+ \item \textbf{Simulation}: The score of the new move is evaluated by playing
+ random matches from it.
+ \item \textbf{Backpropagation}: The score of the new move, as well as its
+ previous moves up to the root of the tree, is updated based on the
+ results of the simulation.
+The suggested move is the children of the current move with the best score from
+the perspective of the player which has to make the move.
+The implementation of the algorithm will use the existing GameMove class from
+the Game System to access the game logic it needs, such as to get the possible
+children from a node or to simulate random games.
+\subsubsection{Neural Networks Explained}
+A neural network is composed of nodes or ``neurons''. Each node contains a value
+named weight. During execution the node receives a numeric input, multiplies it
+for its weight and applies a function called activation function to the result.
+Nodes are organized in layers so that a network contains several layers and each
+layer one or more neurons. The input to the network forms the input layer, which
+contents are forwarded to the second layer. The second layer applies the weight
+and activation function as discussed before in each of its nodes and the result
+is forwarded to the next layer, and so on. At the end the last layer, called the
+output layer, contains the result of the input evaluation. Each layer can have a
+unique activation function for all its nodes and a different strategy of
+connecting to the previous and next layers.
+Several kinds of layers have been used in this project:
+ \item \textbf{Dense layers}, which connects each of its nodes to each of the
+ nodes of the previous layers.
+ \item \textbf{Convolutional layers}, which process their input by applying
+ a filter function to adjacent values. In the case of this project, the
+ board is filtered by grouping its vertices in 3x3 squares. The aim of
+ these layers is to detect patterns in the input, such as curves, edges
+ or more complex shapes, so they are used a lot on neural networks
+ processing images. They are used in this project because a configuration
+ of the Go board is not that different from a two-dimensional image.
+ \item \textbf{Max pooling layers}, which process their input in a similar
+ way to convolutional layers, but reducing the size of the input by
+ keeping the highest value in each of the groups they process. This
+ reduction accentuates the patterns detected by convolutional layers and
+ helps on the detection of bigger, more complex patterns.
+ \item \textbf{Flatten layers}, which just change the shape of the input so
+ that all the values are on one dimension.
+Combinations of these layers have been used to define two neural networks.
+First, a network using mainly dense layers as an example of a more general
+purpose design of a network.
+Then, a network with convolutional and max pooling layers to compare the
+approach used on image processing to the more general one and studying its
+utility on the analysis of the Go board.
+These networks have been implemented on the DenseNeuralNetwork and
+ConvNeuralNetwork classes, respectively.
+The networks have been designed to process boards of size 9x9, which is the
+introductory size to the game. It is the easiest both for the hardware to handle
+and for the analysis of results while keeping able to support meaningful
+Both networks have the same design for their input and output.
+Their input is a three-dimensional matrix of size 9x9x2 with values either 0 or
+1. It represents two views of the board, one with ones as the stones of a player
+and the other with ones as the stones of the other player.
+Their output is a vector with 82 elements of type float. Classification networks
+typically use a vector of probabilities with one element for each class they are
+trying to classify. Here the classes are the 81 positions of the 9x9 board and
+the pass move, hence 82 total elements. Each element signifies the chance of
+playing that move for the input board position, so the element with the highest
+value represents the suggested move.
+\subsubsection{Dense Neural Network Design}
+ \inputminted{text}{listings/denseModel.txt}
+ \caption{Dense neural network model.}
+ \label{code:denseModel}
- \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{diagrams/engineModule.png}
- \caption{Design of the GTP engine.}\label{fig:engine}
+ \includegraphics[width=0.7\textwidth]{img/models/denseModel.png}
+ \caption{Dense neural network model.}
+ \label{fig:denseNN}
+This network first uses two dense layers with 81 nodes each. This number has
+been selected so each node can have as input each of the vertices of the board.
+A flatten layer acts then to make the output one-dimensional, and a final dense
+layer provides the vector containing the likelihood of each possible move.
-One module to store the state of the game and the game tree. One module to parse
-moves. One module to read and write SGF files. Modules are shown in
+The design of this network is shown in \flist{code:denseModel} and
+\fref{fig:denseNN} as provided by Keras' summary and plot\_model functions
+\subsubsection{Convolutional Neural Network Design}
+ \inputminted{text}{listings/convModel.txt}
+ \caption{Convolutional neural network model.}
+ \label{code:convModel}
- \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{diagrams/modules.png}
- \caption{Modules.}\label{fig:modules}
+ \includegraphics[width=0.7\textwidth]{img/models/convModel.png}
+ \caption{Convolutional neural network model.}
+ \label{fig:convNN}
-\subsection{Representation of a match}
+This network uses two pairs of convolutional and max pooling layers with the aim
+of being trained to recognize patterns on the board. A flatten layer acts then
+to make the output one-dimensional, and a final dense layer provides the vector
+containing the likelihood of each possible move.
-A regular Go match is composed of a list of moves. But since game review and
-variants exploration is an important part of Go learning, \program{} allows for
-navigation back and forth through the board states of a match and for new
-variants to be created from each of these board states. Therefore, a match is
-represented as a tree of moves. The state of the board at any given move must
-also be stored so liberties, captures count and legality of moves can be
-addressed, so it is represented with its own class, which holds a reference both
-to the game tree and the current move. Moves depend on a representation of the
-game board to have access to its current layout and count of captured stones.
-These classes and their relationships can be seen in
+The design of this network is shown in \flist{code:convModel} and
+\fref{fig:convNN} as provided by Keras' summary and plot\_model functions
- \includegraphics[width=0.7\textwidth]{diagrams/gameRepresentation.png}
- \caption{A game is represented as a tree of moves.}\label{fig:gameRepresentation}
+ \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{diagrams/trainingModule.png}
+ \caption{Components of the SGF file parsing module.}
+ \label{fig:trainingModule}
+ Components not showing a capital C are not classes, as in they not
+ follow the object-oriented paradigm and do not implement any classes,
+ only functions.
+Neural networks can be powerful machine learning algorithms, but they have to be
+trained first so they can provide meaningful results. For a Go AI it makes sense
+to have its algorithms trained on Go games. There exists a common text format to
+store Go games: SGF. If the system is able to process SGF files, it can provide
+the games stored on them to the neural networks for training. And so the need
+for an SGF parser arises.
To parse SGF files a lexer and parser have been implemented using PLY.\@ The
result of the parsing is an AST (Annotated Syntax Tree) reflecting the contents
of the text input, each node with zero or more properties, and with the ability
-to convert themselves and their corresponding subtree into a GameTree. This is
-done for the root node, since from the SGF specification there are some
+to convert themselves and their corresponding subtree into a GameMove tree. This
+is done for the root node, since from the SGF specification there are some
properties only usable in the root node, like those which specify general game
-information and properties such as rank of players or komi. These components are
-shown in \fref{fig:sgfModule}.
+information and properties such as rank of players or komi.
- \begin{center}
- \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{diagrams/sgfModule.png}
- \caption{Components of the SGF file parsing module.}\label{fig:sgfModule}
- \end{center}
+Here follows an explanation of the role and motivation before each component of
+the Training module to show how these previous concerns have been addressed and
+solved. These components are shown in \fref{fig:trainingModule}.
+ \item \textbf{SGF}: Provides a high-level method to convert a path to a SGF
+ file to a GameMove tree.
+ \item \textbf{sgfyacc}: The implementation of a SGF parser using PLY. Takes
+ the tokens generated by \textbf{sgflex} and creates an ASTNode tree from
+ them.
+ \item \textbf{sgflex}: The implementation of a SGF lexer using PLY.\@ Takes
+ text input and generates the tokens of the SGF language from them.
+ \item \textbf{ASTNode}: The AST resulting from the parsing of a SGF file.
+ Has a method to convert it to a tree of GameMove and so obtain the
+ contents of the SGF in the internal representation used by the project's
+ systems.
+ \item \textbf{Property}: The representation of a property of an ASTNode
+ tree. Each property is made of a name and one or more values and this
+ class helps handling this specific situation.
+The training can be started with the executable \texttt{train.py}.
+%One module to store the state of the game and the game tree. One module to parse
+%moves. One module to read and write SGF files. Modules are shown in
+% \begin{center}
+% \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{diagrams/modules.png}
+% \caption{Modules.}\label{fig:modules}
+% \end{center}